The competitions shall be played annually between teams in the league on a knockout basis that is organised by the League, including the handicapping and draws for each round.
Matches are played by teams of four men and four women playing three mixed doubles, three men’s doubles and three women’s doubles. The three mixed doubles events will consist of two games of 30 aces and the three men’s and three womens level doubles will consist of one game of 30 aces.
In each team three men and three women will form three mixed doubles pairs which shall be played in order of strength. The remaining man/woman shall play in turn with the three men/women who played in the mixed doubles to play three men’s/women’s doubles which shall also be played in order of strength.
Matches will be decided on the number of games won. If a match is tied on games (6-6) then a thirteenth and deciding game will be played to determine the match winners. This event will be one mixed doubles game played between played between the four players who only played level doubles.