Appendix to Rule 5C – Competition
1 Players Eligibility
1.1(a) All players participating in League competitions must be registered with the League and be members of League clubs. For registrations to be valid, each Club Secretary shall send on the form provided, a list of club players, the team to which each player has been assigned, to the League Registration Officer, before the first match of the season. Also, the player’s Badminton England fee has to have been paid to Badminton England. Where a player has had their Badminton England fee paid through another Club, the player must show as having an active Badminton England membership for the Club within the Southport and District Badminton League for which they are being registered for the registration to be effective. All players LCBA fees must also have been remitted to the League Treasurer. The League Registration Officer will confirm to clubs when players’ registrations are complete, and the player(s) is eligible to play in League Competitions. For a player that a club wishes to register with the League as described above, but who will not be participating in any League competitions, then when their name is forwarded to the League Registration Officer, instead of assigning them a team the player(s) should be designated as NPL (non-playing league). If a club subsequently wishes for a NPL player to play in one of its teams then permission must be sought, together with the team to which they are proposed to be assigned, and approval given by the League Registration Officer before the player plays in a League competition.
1.1(b) For divisions with 10 teams, no player shall be eligible to play in league weeks 15, 16, 17 and 18 unless they have played a minimum of 4 league matches before league week 15. Participation in Cups, Shields or Watkinson Trophy matches do NOT count towards the minimum number.
1.2 Additional players may be registered on individual registration forms, which have to include the team to which they have been assigned or NPL as appropriate and must be sent to the League Registration Officer before participating in any match or tournament of any kind as well as complying with the requirements of 1.1. No player may be registered after 31 December in the current season, unless an NPL, except by permission of the Executive. Each year information about new fees will be sent to each Club.
1.3 Any player who participates in a League competition and whose registration with the League has not been effected before they play (1.1 and 1.2 refer) is not authorised to play in League competitions. If a team plays such an unregistered player or a NPL player without permission, that team shall forfeit the match. However, if an unregistered player plays in a match between two teams from the same Club then that match shall be declared null and void. No points shall be awarded to either team in such circumstances.
1.4 No player is eligible to play in a lower ranked team to the one they are assigned as required by regulation 1.1(a) and 1.2. Any player who plays in a lower ranked team to the one they are assigned (1.1 and 1.2 refer) will be regarded as ineligible. Where a team plays such an ineligible player then rule 4.10 will apply. A player will not be regarded as ineligible if a subsequent change has been made to the player’s assigned team until it has been notified to, approved and confirmed by the League Registration Officer.
1.5 Any player having been registered for one Club and wishing to play in League matches for another Club during the same season may apply to the League Management Executive for a transfer of their registration to the last-mentioned Club. A reassignment form to transfer, which must also state the team to which the player will be assigned, must be duly completed and deposited with the League Registration Officer not less than 7 days before the first match in whichthe player intends to play for his/her Club. No player may be transferred in the current season except by permission of the League Registration Officer. The player shall not play for their new Club until he/she has received notification from the League Registration Officer that the transfer of their registration has been completed.
1.6 No Club shall have the right to object to the registration of any player with another Club except where the player is not clear on the books of the objecting club in respect of monies outstanding. Any Club wishing to object under this rule must lodge such an objection with the League Secretary, in writing, without undue delay, giving full particulars. The suspension by the Executive of any registration under this rule shall be operative only until the defaulting player shall have discharged his/her obligations to the objecting Club.
2 Higher Team Play Eligibility
2.1 Where a Club has more than one team, whether in the same division or different divisions, a player from a lower ranked team can play in a higher ranked team provided that player is of an equal or lower standard than those players in the higher team.
2.2 When a player has played up in the same higher team on 6 occasions , then they will be re-assigned to that higher team for the remainder of the season and be ineligible to play for (a) their originally assigned lower team and (b) any other higher ranked team.
2.3 When a player has played up 6 times for higher ranked teams from their originally assigned lower team, then they are only eligible to play for their originally assigned lower team. They will not be eligible to play for any higher ranked teams for the remainder of the season. However, should these 6 occasions be to the same higher ranked teams then 2.2 will apply.
2.4 Where 2.2 or 2.3 applies to any player, then should that player play up to any higher ranked teams, then he/she is deemed to be an ineligible player and is dealt with as in rule 4.10.
2.5 When a player from a lower ranked team plays in a higher ranked team as per 2.1, but the player is considered by the Executive not to be of an equal or lower standard than those players in the higher team, then that player will be regarded as ineligible. Where a team plays such anineligible player then rule 4.10 will apply.
3 Pre-match
3.1 All matches shall be played under the Laws of Badminton with each court having a minimum playing standard as decided by the Executive. Unless prior permission to re-arrange a match has been obtained from the League Match Chairman, see 3.4, matches shall be played in theparticular week appointed by the Executive.
3.2 The home Club shall have sole responsibility for deciding which night during the appointed week the match shall be played and what time play shall commence, giving at least 28 days’ notice to the visiting Club. Once a match(es) has been confirmed with the away Club, including any re-arranged match, the date(s) and venue(s) must be input on tournament software by the homeClub. It will be the duty of both Clubs to ensure that its players are available at the agreed time. When a match has not been played on the date advised by the Home club, unless 3.4 applies then the offending Club(s) could have a financial penalty not exceeding £ 50 and/or a deduction of 3 points imposed by the Executive. In addition, if the offending Club’s team is the away team, that Club will have to reimburse to the Home club the costs incurred for the venue hire.
3.3 All matches shall commence not later than 7pm. In the event of a hall not being available to play at 7pm, prior approval for the use of the hall for matches must be obtained from the League Management Executive.
3.4 Permission to re-arrange a match, which must be obtained by the Match Secretary from the League Match Chairman, will only apply in the following circumstances:
(a) The home Club’s hall is not available in the week the League fixture is due to be played; or
(b) A Cup, Shield or Trophy match has to be played in the same week as the League fixture by the home or away team and both matches cannot be played; or
(c) A Club’s lowest team is unable to field 8 players.
For re-arranged fixtures under (a), (b) or (c), permission must be sought as soon as possible. After 30th September in the current season not more than 2 postponements per team per season may be requested under (c) above. No postponement will be permitted within 48 hours of the start of the match where (c) applies. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the Executive imposing a penalty not to exceed £50 and/or 3 points being deducted from either or both teams. For all re-arranged fixtures due to (c) where the away team seeks such a postponement, a payment of £40 to defray such expenses will be made by the away team to the home Club.
3.5 Matches can only be re-arranged (see 3.4) by match secretaries and must be i) played as soon as possible and ii) within 56 days of the original match date or by the last league week of the season (normally L 18), whichever is the earlier. Any request to play a re-arranged match beyond L18 must be authorised beforehand by the League Match Chairman. The home match secretary shall, within 7 days of the date the original match was due to be played, offer 2 dates to the away match secretary for the re-arranged match to take place. One of these dates shall be agreed for the fixture to be played UNLESS the away team has matches ALREADY arranged for both dates offered. The home team will then offer a 3rd date in such circumstances. All of the dates offered shall provide 14 days’ notice unless otherwise mutually agreed. The date agreed must be notified immediately by the home match secretary to the League Match Chairman. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a penalty not exceeding £20 being imposed by the Executive on either or both teams.
3.6 In the event that no agreement is reached by Clubs as per 3.5 above, then the League Match Chairman will direct when and where the re-arranged match shall be played. Both Clubs will share the hire cost of the venue.
4 Match
4.1 Each match shall consist of four mixed doubles, two men’s doubles and two women’s doubles, each event shall consist of the best of three games to 21 points (extended games if required) using rally points scoring. No player may play in more than one like event nor in more than one match in any one night.
4.2 Captains must complete their teams on the match score sheet before the start of the match. Pairs must be played in order of strength otherwise, at the discretion of the Executive, events or the match may be forfeited.
4.3 Where a Club has two or more teams in the same division, it is expected that in matches between them the higher ranked team will prevail. However, the League Executive recognise that this will not always be the case and when such an eventuality occurs, will judge the circumstances accordingly.
4.4 The actual time of starting the match must be marked accurately on the score sheet. In the event of any delay arising in the commencement of any match, or any occurrence resulting in the match not being completed, the reasons therefore shall be entered on the back of the score sheet and signed by both captains.
4.5 Feather shuttlecocks, of a standard to be determined by the Executive, shall be used in League matches and competitions.
4.6 In all events organised by the League, coloured clothing may be worn. In order to ensure attractive presentation of badminton, all clothing should be acceptable badminton sports clothing and, wherever possible, doubles partners are asked to try and wear the same colours. Track suits shall not be worn during match play except by agreement of both captains.
4.7 The order of play in all events shall be in accordance with the requirements of the home captain.
4.8 To be eligible to play in a particular match a player must be present and ready to play by 8.15pm. This may be extended to 8.30pm by mutual agreement on or before the date the match is played. Prior to 8.15pm (extended to 8.30pm by mutual agreement) a team can substitute a player already entered on the match score sheet and who has not yet played in that match provided the substitute is of equal or lesser standard that the player originally named.
4.9 Where a player is not present by 8.15pm (extended to 8.30pm by mutual agreement) and a substitute has not been used, as per rule 4.8, then the opposing team captain shall regard all the games in which the absent player would have played as being forfeited. The captain must inform the opposing captain immediately that he/she regards the games of the absent player as forfeited, and the games involved must be entered on the match score sheet as 21.0 and identified by W/O (Walkover).
4.10 Where a team plays an ineligible player, that player must play at 4th mixed doubles and 2nd men’s/women’s doubles and the opposing captain notified. This rule does not apply to an unregistered player who is dealt with under 1.3. If a team plays an ineligible player other than as stated, then that team shall forfeit the match. In a match between two teams from the same Club where an ineligible player has played except at 4th mixed doubles and 2nd men’s/ women’s then the match shall be declared null and void. No points will be awarded to either team in suchcircumstances.
4.11 In the event of a player being incapacitated after play in a match has begun so that he or shecannot continue playing, a captain shall be entitled to include a substitute of an equal or lesser standard in any subsequent event in which the incapacitated player should have taken part provided that the injury or other incapacity was caused entirely after play in the match had begun and was not solely due to tiredness or the worsening of an existing ailment.
4.12 comments/complaints entered on the reverse of Home team’s match score sheet must be acknowledged by way of signature by a representative from both teams, prior to its submission by the Home team to the League Match Chairman who must receive it either electronically or by hard copy within 72 working hours of the match being played.
4.13 In the event of a match not being played it shall NOT be conceded without permission beingsought and obtained from the League Match Committee.
5 Post-match
5.1 The home team shall be responsible for ensuring that the details from the completed score sheet are entered and uploaded onto the League’s tournament software no later than 24 hours after the match has been completed. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a penalty not exceeding £20 being imposed by the Executive.
5.2 The away team shall be responsible for accessing the tournament software to check the result of their match submitted by the home team and must inform the League Match Chairman within 48 hours if they dispute the result submitted by the home team.
5.3 In the event of any occurrence arising under 4.4, the Executive may require both captains to appear before the League Match Committee for the purpose of explanation and may impose on the Club found to be at fault such fine or penalty as they may in their absolute discretion deem adequate.
6 Divisional Champions, Promotion and Relegation
6.1 Promotion and relegation shall be decided by the Executive at its first meeting.
6.2 The team securing most points in each division shall be the champion team of that division and shall be entitled to the custody of the championship trophy of that division until the succeeding Annual General Meeting.
6.3 Points shall be awarded as follows: 3 points for a win on events 1 point for a tie on events
6.4 Where two teams secure the same number of points, the number of events won shall be the deciding factor. Where the teams are still equal, then the greatest difference between games won and games lost shall be the deciding factor. Where there is still a tie, then the difference between aces won and aces lost shall be the deciding factor. Should the teams still remain equal then the deciding factor based on the above criteria will apply to the combined results of the 2 matches played by the 2 teams against each other during the season.
6.5 At least one team from the 2nd and lower divisions shall be promoted.
1 The competition shall be played annually between teams in the League on a knockout basis and the League Executive shall be responsible for the organisation including seeding and the draw for each round.
2(a) Teams in the First division and any club that does not have a team in the First division but wishes to enter a representative team, shall be given free entry to the Hudson Cup competition.
2(b) Teams in the second and lower divisions shall be given free entry to the appropriate cup competitions for their divisions and the executive , at their first meeting each season, shall decide which teams shall enter each competition.
3(a) Matches shall be played by teams of 4 men and 4 women.
3(b) Any player not registered by the 31st October is ineligible to play in any Cup competition.
3(c) Matches shall consist of 3 men’s doubles, 3 women’s doubles and 2 mixed doubles. Each of the eight events will be the best of 3 games to 21 points (extended games if required) using the rally points scoring system. 1st and 2nd men’s doubles and women’s doubles MUST be played in order of strength as MUST both mixed doubles pairs. 3rd men’s doubles has to be made up ofone man from the 1st men’s doubles and one man from the 2nd men’s doubles. 3rd women’s doubles has to be made up from one woman from the 1st women’s doubles and one woman from the 2nd women’s doubles. The 2 men and 2 women NOT playing in the 3rd men’s/women’s doubles make up the 2 pairs of mixed doubles. It is for each team captain to decide which of their players from the 1st and 2nd men’s/women’s doubles play in the 3rd men’s/women’s doubles. In a match between 2 teams from the same club it will be at the discretion of the club concerned as to whether a player asked to play up to the team above has to do so or not. In all other respects matches will be played within the rules applicable to league matches.
3(d) The order of play in all events shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Home Captain.
3(e) Team captains MUST complete their teams on both copies of the score sheet PRIOR to the start of the match. After the match, the details from the completed scoresheet MUST be entered into the League’s tournament software no later than 24 hours after the match has been completed by the winning team. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a penalty not exceeding £20 being imposed by the Executive on the winning team and that team may also be disqualified.
3(f) The losing team shall be responsible for accessing the tournament software to check the result of their match submitted by the winning team and must inform the Cups and Shields Chairman within 48 hours if they dispute the result submitted by the winning team.
3(g) Matches shall be decided on the number of the events won. If a match is tied on events, then the tie is won by the team winning the most number of games. Should there still be a tie then the team with the most points will be the winner. If the match still remains tied on events, games and points, then the match shall be replayed on the court of the team playing away in the original match. Where a further tie is required, the captains shall spin a coin to decide the choice of court for the next replay.
3(h) No consideration shall be given to any team conceding a match in the competition unless it is for that club’s lowest team and permission must be sought from the Chairman of the Cups and Shields Committee prior to the match.
4(a) No player may play for more than one club in the Cup Competitions in the same season.
4(b) No player may play in more than one team in each Cup Competition unless that player is from a lower team who is of equal or lesser standard than those in the higher team. In case of doubt about a player’s eligibility then permission must be sought from the Chairman of the Cups & Shields Committee prior to the player playing in the Cup match.
4(c) Any player being nominated for a club team at the beginning of the season may not play in a lower team cup competition for that club even if re-assigned to a lower team.
5(a) It shall be the sole responsibility of the home team to decide on which night during the appointed week the match shall be played.
5(b) The home team shall give at least 7 days notice to the visiting team and advise their opponents which will be the first two events played.
5(c) All matches shall start at 7.00 p.m unless prior approval has been given by the Executive for matches in that hall to start later.
6(a) In the event of a player being incapacitated after their participation in a match has begun so that he or she cannot continue playing, a captain shall be entitled to include a substitute of an equal or lesser standard in any subsequent event in which the incapacitated player should have taken part, provided that the injury or incapacity was caused entirely after play in the match had begun and was not solely due to tiredness or the worsening of an existing ailment.
6(b) Exceptionally, an ineligible player must be played at 2nd men’s/women’s doubles and then either 3rd men’s/women’s doubles or 2nd mixed doubles. The scores of these 2 games in each event shall be recorded as 21-0 to the opposing team.
6(c) If an ineligible player is played other than as stated in 6(b) then the match shall be forfeited to the opposing team.
7 The Executive shall:-
(a) arrange the venue for each final.
(b) appoint a referee who will have full charge of the match, including the order of play.
(c) deal with any matter not provided for in these regulations.
(d) be the sole authority for the interpretation of these regulations.
1 The competition shall be played annually between League teams on a knockout basis and the League Executive shall be responsible for the organisation including the allocation of teams to competitions, handicapping and the draw for each round
2(a) Matches shall be played by teams of 4 men and 4 women, playing three mixed doubles, three men’s doubles and three women’s doubles. The three mixed doubles events will consist of two games of 30 aces and the three men’s and three women’s level doubles events will consist of one game of 30 aces. In each team three men and three women will form three mixed doubles pairs which shall play in order of strength. The remaining man/woman shall play in turn with the three men/women who played in the mixed events to play three men’s/ women’s doubles which shall also be played in order of strength.
2(b)Team captains must complete their teams on both copies of the score sheet PRIOR to the start of the match. After the match, the details from the completed scoresheet MUST be entered into the League’s tournament software no later than 24 hours after the match has been completed by the winning team. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a penalty not exceeding £20 being imposed by the Executive and that team may also be disqualified.
2(c) The losing team shall be responsible for accessing the tournament software to check the result of their match submitted by the winning team and must inform the Cups and Shields Chairman within 48 hours if they dispute the result submitted by the winning team.
2(d) Matches shall be decided on the number of games won. If a match is tied on games (6-6) then a thirteenth and deciding game will be played to determine the match winners. This 13th game is only to be played in the event of a tie.This event will be one mixed doubles game played between the four players who played only level doubles.
2(e)Where an ineligible player is played, that player shall play third mixed and third men’s/women’s doubles.
2(f) Games involving an ineligible player shall be deemed to have been lost and the ineligible player not to have scored. The score will appear on the score sheet to the handicap played. For example a team handicapped as +9, playing an ineligible player will have the score for each event they played in as 30:9 for level doubles and 30:9 30:9 for mixed double.
2(g) If a team plays an ineligible player other than as stated in regulations 2(e) or as a replacement for an injured player as in 6(c) then that team shall forfeit the match.
2(h) No consideration shall be given to any team conceding a match in the competition unless it is for that club’s lowest team and permission must be sought from the Chairman of the Cups and Shields Committee prior to the match.
3(a) No player selected to play in a particular match shall be eligible to play in the match unless he or she is present and ready to play by 8.15 p.m. This may be extended to 8.30 p.m. by mutual agreement.
3(b) All players in the competition shall be registered members of the League and been assigned to a team.
3(c) No player may play for more than one club in the Shields Competitions in the same season.
3(d) No newly registered player or a registered player who has been newly assigned to a team, may play in a match that has already been handicapped. If in any doubt clarification of eligibility should be sought from the League Registration Officer or the Cups and Shields Chairman.
3(e) No player may play in more than one Shield Competition unless that player is from a lower team who is of equal or lesser standard than those in the higher team. In case of doubt about a player’s eligibility then permission must be sought from the Chairman of the Cups & Shields Committee prior to the player playing in the Shield match.
3(f) Once a player has played for a team in the competition, that player is tied to that team for that Shield competition for the remainder of the season unless 3(e) applies.
4(a) It shall be the sole responsibility of the home team to decide on which night during the appointed week the match shall be played.
4(b) The home team shall give at least 7 days notice to their opponents.
4(c) All matches shall start at 7.00 p.m. unless mutually agreed otherwise.
5(a) The order of play in all events shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Home Captain.
5 (b) A player asked to play consecutive games is entitled to a 10 minute break between games.
6(a) If a player is injured during a match and unable to continue, the score in the game in which the injury occurred shall:
(i) if the game were completed, stand.
(ii) if the games were not completed, be recorded as a win for the opposing team with the injured player’s team being credited with the score at the time of injury.
6(b) In the event of a player being incapacitated after their participation in a match has begun so that he or she cannot continue playing, a captain shall be entitled to include a substitute of an equal or lesser standard in any subsequent event in which the incapacitated player should have taken part, provided that the injury or incapacity was caused entirely after play in the match had begun and was not solely due to tiredness or the worsening of an existing ailment.
7 Teams will be handicapped on the standard of their current League team. If a player of a higher standard is included after the handicap has been set, then that team shall forfeit the match.
8 The League Executive shall:
(a) arrange the venue for each final.
(b) appoint a referee to each final who shall have full charge of the match including the order of play.
(c) deal with any matter not provided for in these regulations.
(d) be the sole authority for the interpretation of these regulations
1 The competition shall be played annually between all teams in the League on a knockout basis and the Executive shall be responsible for the organisation, including the handicapping and the draw for each round.
2(a) Matches shall be played by teams of four men and four women playing 4 mixed doubles, 2 men’s doubles and 2 women’s doubles with each event consisting of two games of 25 aces (no extended games) using rally points scoring. In all other respects matches will be played within the Rules applicable to league matches.
2(b) Teams will be handicapped on the standard of their current league team. If a player of a higher standard is included after the handicap has been set, then that team shall forfeit the match.
2(c) All teams shall receive a points handicap and scored points plus handicap points shall decide the winner. The home club for each match will be sent a sealed envelope containing the handicap for the match. The envelope MUST remain unopened but see (d) below.
2(d) Team captains shall complete their teams on BOTH COPIES of the score sheet prior to the start of the match. At the conclusion of the match, the home team captain in the presence of the visiting team captain, shall open the sealed envelope referred to in (c) above. The handicap must then be entered onto both copies of the score sheet and the winner decided as in (c).
(2(e) After the match, the details from the completed scoresheet MUST be entered into the League’s tournament software no later than 24 hours after the match has been completed by the winning team. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a penalty not exceeding £20 being imposed by the Executive and that team may also be disqualified.
2(f) )The losing team shall be responsible for accessing the tournament software to check the result of their match submitted by the winning team and must inform the Cups and Shields Chairman within 48 hours if they dispute the result submitted by the winning team.
2(g) In the event of a tie on points, games won shall not count and the match shall be replayed on the court of the team playing away in the original match. The replay must be played within 14 days of the original match. In the event of a further tie, the captains shall spin a coin to decide the choice of court for further replay.
2(h) No consideration shall be given to any team conceding a match in the competition unless it is for that clubs lowest team and permission must be sought from the Chairman of the Cups and Shields Committee prior to the match.
3(a) No player may play for more than one club in the Watkinson Trophy in the same season.
3(b) No newly registered player or a registered player who has been newly assigned to a team, may play in a match that has already been handicapped. If in any doubt clarification of eligibility should be sought from the League Registration Officer or the Cups and Shields Chairman.
3(c) No player may play in more than one team in the Competition unless that player is from a lower team who is of equal or lesser standard than those in the higher team. In case of doubt about a player’s eligibility then permission must be sought from the Chairman of the Cups and Shields Committee prior to the player playing in the Watkinson Trophy match.
4(a) It shall be the sole responsibility of the home team to decide on which night during the appointed week the match shall be played.
4(b) The home team shall give at least 7 days notice to their opponents.
4(c) All matches shall start at 7.00 p.m. unless mutually agreed otherwise.
4(d) In the event of a player being incapacitated after their participation in a match has begun so that he or she cannot continue playing, a captain shall be entitled to include a substitute of an equal or lesser standard in any subsequent event in which the incapacitated player should have taken part, provided that the injury or incapacity was caused entirely after play in the match had begun and was not solely due to tiredness or the worsening of an existing ailment.
4(e) A team may replace an injured player with an ineligible player subject to the approval of the opposing captain. Such substitution shall be direct as in regulation 4(d)above but all games involving the ineligible player shall be deemed to be lost with the ineligible player failing to score.
5 (a) Exceptionally an ineligible player may be played at 4th mixed doubles and 2nd men’s/women’s doubles, but the opposing team captain must be told prior to the start of the match.
5(b) The scores in each game shall count as 25-0 to the opposing team.
5(c) If an ineligible player is played other than as stated in 4(e) or 5(a), then the match shall be forfeited to the opposing team.
6 The Executive shall:-
(a) arrange the venue for the final.
(b) appoint a referee for the final who shall have full charge of the match, including the order of play.
(c) deal with any matter not provided for in these regulations.
(d) be the sole authority for the interpretation of these regulation
1(a) At its first meeting each season, the Executive shall consider organising the following tournaments restricted to League members and veteran players who reside locally:-
Tournament A-Open.
Tournament B-Moderate Players Tournament. (Minimum standard).
Tournament C-Restricted Moderate Players Tournament. (restricted to moderate
players in the third and lower divisions).
Tournament V-Veterans Tournament.
Tournament JB-The Jack Blockley ‘Under 21’ Tournament.
1(b) Each tournament, unless decided otherwise by the Executive, shall consist of:-Men’s Singles, Women’s Singles, Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles. The rally points scoring system will be played in all Tournaments.
2 All tournaments shall be run, as far as is practical, in accordance with the Badminton England regulations for tournaments and recommendations to tournament committees.
3(a) All bona-fide players registered with League Clubs shall be eligible to enter the tournament.
3(b) Players shall be seeded in the Open Tournament.
3(c) Tournament B-Moderate Players Tournament
On the closing date for entries, a player who has been awarded Lancashire County colours or who , during the current season or past season, has played more than once for the Lancashire County first team, shall be debarred from competing in this tournament, at the discretion of the Executive. Players who have been awarded any other county’s colours, or who have played for any other county first team, may be eligible to compete at the discretion of the Executive.
3(d) If a player, has played during the current season 4 or more times in a 2nd division or higher division team in League, Cup orShield matches at the closing date for entries, he/she will not be eligible for the `C’ Tournament.
3(e) Veteran competitors must be aged 40 years or over at the closing date for entries.
3(f) The League Executive may refuse the entry for a player to any tournament if, in its opinion, that player has not competed in the Southport & District Badminton League on a sufficient number of occasions within the current or previous season.
4 Entries should be made using the online entry form on the League’s website.
5 Should a player withdraw from an event(s) they have entered and fail to give at least 48 hours’ notice, prior to the scheduled date and time of their event(s), then subject to the decision of the Executive, the player will still be liable to pay the entry fee(s).
6 Any player not complying with Regulation 5 above will, until all monies have been paid, not be eligible to play in any Competitions, League or Tournaments run by the Southport and District Badminton League.
7 Unless decided otherwise by the Executive, matches shall consist of games of 21 aces, the side first winning two games being the winner.
8 The Executive:-
(a) shall determine the entry fees per player per event;
(b) shall determine the date by which entries, accompanied by entry fees, shall be in the hands of the Tournaments & Competitions Officer;
(c) shall arrange the seeding, handicapping and draw;
(d) shall direct when and where matches shall be played and the disposal of results;
(e) shall arrange the finals;
(f) shall determine the prizes awarded;
(g) may delegate its authority to such Committee as it sees fit;
(h) shall have the power to refuse the entry of an individual or pairing for any handicapped event who, in its opinion, cannot be handicapped within appropriate limits for that event.
(i) shall have the power to cancel any event in the “B”, “C” or “V” Tournaments if, in its opinion, the entry is not sufficient to warrant the event. Five events shall be played in the “A” Tournament;
(j) shall deal with any matter not provided for by these regulations and shall be the sole authority for the interpretation thereof.